Detail of Payment

    "id": string,
    "id_merchant": string,
    "order_ref": string,
    "account1": string,
    "total": string,
    "amount": string,
    "co2e": string,
    "decimals": integer,
    "chainid": string,
    "testnet": boolean,
    "currency_code": string,
    "fees": string,
    "country": string,
    "txid": string,
    "datevalueAt": string,
    "bank": string,
    "status": integer,
    "ipaddress": string,
    "user_agent": string,
    "method": integer,
    "createdAt": string,
    "updatedAt": string,
    "id": "64260bfe-134a-4c8d-9338-284b2e43f8b3",
    "id_merchant": "9d3d5d01-f70e-4d56-b05b-2cc14edabcf9",
    "order_ref": "202303210F5VT",
    "account1": "FR76 1027 8063 9800 0217 2400 388",
    "total": "1.21",
    "amount": "1.00",
    "co2e": "0.21",
    "decimals": 2,
    "chainid": "",
    "testnet": true,
    "currency_code": "EUR",
    "fees": "0.22",
    "country": "FR",
    "txid": "8df0cffe16bc4c78aaaf611bdc6b9960",
    "datevalueAt": "2023-03-21T13:32:37.338Z",
    "bank": "Demo bank",
    "status": 2,
    "ipaddress": "",
    "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "method": 2,
    "createdAt": "2023-03-21T13:32:18.626Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-03-21T13:32:37.654Z"

Payment Object

idPayment IDstring
id_merchantMerchant IDstring
order_refYour Order Referencestring
account1Account number or Wallet Addressstring
totalTotal Amount settledstring
amountAmount without CO2estring
co2eAmount of CO2estring
decimalsNumber of decimalsinteger
chainidChain IDstring
testnetNetwork TESTNETboolean
currency_codeCurrency Codestring
feesFees duestring
countryCountry of Buyer (ISO)string
txidTransaction IDstring
datevalueAtValue datestring
bankBank Name (only FIAT)string
statusStatus Payment (see StatusPayment)integer
ipaddressIP Address of Buyerstring
user_agentUser Agent of Buyerstring
methodMethod Payment (see MethodPayment)integer
createdAtDate of initiationstring
updatedAtDate of receiptstring